Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Organizing for a New Semester

With fall semester over and winter break sadly coming to an end soon, spring semester is right around the corner! Every winter break, I like to get a jump start on the semester by getting organized before I leave for school. One syllabus week rolls around, all extra curriculum will pick up and my life returns to a crazy schedule! Here's my list to a organized and productive start of the semester!

  1. Gather all necessary supplies such as notebooks, binders, pens, and highlighters. I personally love to use colored pens to differentiate each class in my agenda!
  2. Write out your schedule and take a picture of it on your phone, just in case you forget where your class is on the walk there! I also recommend writing out your professors contact information all on a piece of paper and keeping it in your room.
  3. Plan out your semester in your agenda. Many times college students have multiple events to do in a day, but forget to mark down class in your book. I mark down my classes every day in my agenda, also in my online calendar, on top of my sorority meetings or clubs.
  4. Organize your computer files!!! This is super important, especially with so many classes having online components today. I have a semester folder, containing class folders so all of my documents are extremely easy to find. Set this up in advance for your next semester to save time!
  5. Search Amazon and rental book websites to save money on textbooks! Usually you can find cheaper options compared to your colleges book store and you wont be stuck with them forever. Amazon is a money saver when dealing with textbooks, last semester I saved over $100!
I hope everyone has a great semester and has a fun time getting organized!

The Pink Prep

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